A home mortgage is likely the largest loan you will ever take on, and if you are attempting to obtain a traditional loan, most lenders will check your credit score before moving forward. To determine if you’re qualified for a mortgage, a lender will look at your income, debt, and savings. However, your credit score is the biggest factor in determining whether or not you’ll receive financing. If your score is low, the lender will often increase the interest rate. This pushes the monthly mortgage payment of the home up. This can sometimes make it next to impossible to make the monthly payment.
We do things differently at Four Steps Home. While we do consider your credit history, it’s not the deciding factor. We are most interested in your ability to pay on time each month. If you want to become a homeowner and will commit to taking good care of your home, let’s talk!
Your Credit Score is not Important
Your credit score is not a major drawback for us at Four Steps Home. However, if you do not have a solid credit score, chances are that either you don’t own any credit cards or you don’t have available credit on the cards that you do have.
We can help you increase your credit score so that you can obtain additional credit cards or increase the credit limit on the cards that you currently have.
Even if you’re not interested in purchasing a home, your credit score should work for, not against you.
Give us a call and we can talk about options to get your score as high as possible!